Sunday, April 5, 2009

nothing last foreverrrr.

its hella true. ive given a half of a year to someone who only cares for him self! ive given everything up for you! when u where locked up who was there too see you every time?? me! who called you parents every hour to make sure they are doing okay? me. who gave your family money when they needed it? who called in sick at work and didnt go to school? you dont understand how much i have given to you without me telling you every damn day! when i cry you tell me only bitches cry. who tells someone that? the only time I cry is when im around you! you make me feel as if im only in this relationship out of pitty for you. im too grown for you. i cant always hold you hand. you need to grow up and do things for yourself. i hate nagging to you bout what dumb things you do but its the only way you listen. i hate being a bitch to you and talk down to you but how else am i going to talk to you? im too stressed to stay in this relationship. going to court and dealing with all this drama is taking its tole out on me. i cant worry everyday about you. i cant live like this.i need to worry about myself. i need to spend time with my family and friends more. i love your family to death and im glad to have them in my life. they kept me stong when i was weak. im very thankful dont get me wrong. i just need to have my life back and get my head back on straight! finals are coming and its now or never. its almost summer and u know what that means!!!!!!! hello travel time!this year is about fun times partying up and living carefree. im done with the drama. and im gona start saving more.. paying off debt and spending more time at home =) i wish that sometime your bffs could understand more about things but they dont. and why must one still hold grudges still for so fucking longg.i could gives a fuck bout my old drama. no need to continue keep taking bout the past cus i dont care. i hate mean drunks!!!!on a brighter note its fuckin spring break 09 motherfuckers lets party =)

x0x0 bby kitty

mr le i will always love you no matter what! i need my time now and im sorry it has to be this way but your always in my heart. i cant do this anymore im over it. i love you for everything you have done for me. i will neveerrr forget. <33